“Eventually data will ensure a better world for us all.”

LudoWic - Thijs Lodewijk 

Thijs Lodewijk joined a band at the early age of 16. First he played synthesizer, later bass guitar. The four years he spent at the music academy served as a catalyst for collaborations with artists like Hans Dulfer, Claudia de Breij, Waylon and Wende Snijders and led to the foundation of LudoWic and Wic Recordings, the record label under which he produces groundbreaking electronic music. LudoWic is co-founder of the Herman Brood Academie in Utrecht, which offers youngsters with a fascination for pop music the opportunity to realise their ambitions in a dynamic – senior vocational – learning environment. LudoWic has performed the Heijmans Bits & Beats live in 2019, during the Amsterdam Dance Event (ADE). 

LudoWic - Thijs Lodewijk 

Thijs Lodewijk joined a band at the early age of 16. First he played synthesizer, later bass guitar. The four years he spent at the music academy served as a catalyst for collaborations with artists like Hans Dulfer, Claudia de Breij, Waylon and Wende Snijders and led to the foundation of LudoWic and Wic Recordings, the record label under which he produces groundbreaking electronic music. LudoWic is co-founder of the Herman Brood Academie in Utrecht, which offers youngsters with a fascination for pop music the opportunity to realise their ambitions in a dynamic – senior vocational – learning environment. LudoWic has performed the Heijmans Bits & Beats live in 2019, during the Amsterdam Dance Event (ADE). 

About the Bits & Beats project

Bits & Beats is a marketing concept and supports (or strengthens) the strategic positioning of the Heijmans brand as creators of a healthy living environment. Bits & Beats shows a musical heartBEAT of Heijmans’ world and lets their target groups experience how they deliver on sustainability, digitization and innovation. BIEL - creative developers developed this concept and found collaboration with Thijs Lodewijk (LudoWic).
Bits & Beats is a multi-purpose marketing concept. This concept gives Heijmans a different sound in the market (literally), because it shows the use of data technology to boost a vital world. This approach is unique in the construction industry. Gigabytes of data serve as fuel to achieve a healthier living environment. Technological progress is made audible, visible and tangible.
Data is the foundation, the core of the concept. In principle, all data is suitable: where data transforms into information, it is applicable, where bits go to beats. By converting data into sound patterns (sonification), we give our work a heartbeat and we show the digital world that lies behind. The collaboration between Heijmans and music producer LudoWic created these Bits & Beats.

We need you!

“We want a data related concept …”

Heijmans Infra - one of the divisions of Heijmans (the large yellow builder) - asked us for an answer to this question! The concept of Bits & Beats quickly emerged. Thijs Lodewijk (LudoWic) was contacted by email. As one of the musical men / band members of Wende Snijders, he was the one able to further develop the WeMoveBrands concept towards a sonification process; data to music. This multidisciplinary approach has been key in this project. From the moment WeMoveBrands presented this concept on big screen supported by Marshall speaker, everyone got exited. From Heijmans (the down-to-earth builder) to LudoWic (the musical virtuoso), designers, event locations, copywriter, video crew, photographer, Heijmans customers (RWS and NMM) and more. At Heijmans, it has been said at corporate level: “Did that bureau in Zwolle get high? Or what?”.

We need you!

“We want a data related concept …”

Heijmans Infra - one of the divisions of Heijmans (the large yellow builder) - asked us for an answer to this question! The concept of Bits & Beats quickly emerged. Thijs Lodewijk (LudoWic) was contacted by email. As one of the musical men / band members of Wende Snijders, he was the one able to further develop the BIEL - creative developers concept towards a sonification process; data to music. This multidisciplinary approach has been key in this project. From the moment BIEL - creative developers presented this concept on big screen supported by Marshall speaker, everyone got exited. From Heijmans (the down-to-earth builder) to LudoWic (the musical virtuoso), designers, event locations, copywriter, video crew, photographer, Heijmans customers (RWS and NMM) and more. At Heijmans, it has been said at corporate level: “Did that bureau in Zwolle get high?
Or what?”.
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