Solar Noise Barrier

400 metres long and 5 metres high; these are the dimensions of the Solar Noise Barrier (SONOB), which is a noise barrier featuring integrated bi-facial solar panels next to the A50 motorway. The expected energy yield should ensure power for between 40 and 60 households. Data from the noise barrier shows us whether it has been a good day and provides us information for maintenance. 

Solar Noise Barrier

400 metres long and 5 metres high; these are the dimensions of the Solar Noise Barrier (SONOB), which is a noise barrier featuring integrated bi-facial solar panels next to the A50 motorway. The expected energy yield should ensure power for between 40 and 60 households. Data from the noise barrier shows us whether it has been a good day and provides us information for maintenance. 

Dive into the 
energy waves

LudoWic: “This data is full on energy! Energy that is experienced as sound waves. The noise barrier transmits data every quarter. You can thus see a nice ‘wave’ for each day. I've connected this data to a special musical filter, which does something to the ‘brightness’ of the sound. During the day, when it is sunny, the tone is light and airy. At night, the sound is literally extinguished. If you really want to feel the energy, dive into these waves!”

Dive into the
energy waves

LudoWic: “This data is full on energy! Energy that is experienced as sound waves. The noise barrier transmits data every quarter. You can thus see a nice ‘wave’ for each day. I've connected this data to a special musical filter, which does something to the ‘brightness’ of the sound. During the day, when it is sunny, the tone is light and airy. At night, the sound is literally extinguished. If you really want to feel the energy, dive into these waves!”

Dive into the energy waves

Stijn Verkuilen, innovation manager: “Currently, this is the largest noise barrier featuring bi-facial solar panels in the world. Between December 2018 and June 2020, we will be monitoring how much energy it generates. This data will help us to better predict the energy yield and maintenance need of the barrier and solar cells. This is important information for a future roll out of noise barriers with integrated solar panels. The great thing is, the system is very flexible.”
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